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1. Identify nuances that are site-specific and make adjustments

There will be some elements of implementation plans that may not be relevant or successful in your practice.  It is important to identify these elements and make adjustments that will fit the needs of your practice, practitioners, and your target population.  Evaluation of the pilot implementation will be invaluable to the quality improvement process.

2. Use Existing and Available Resources

Use and abuse of tobacco, alcohol, and other substances is widespread. We don’t expect your practice to “go it alone.”  Resources include professionally trained counselors and clinicians, treatment centers that specialize in youth and substance use disorders, as well as professional organizations that have developed materials for use by the general public. Schools and law enforcement will also be helpful to you.


The Power of Best Practices – Launching SBIRT in a Community Health Center
A publication to cultivate an appreciation for the opportunities and challenges that community health centers face in adopting SBIRT as a practice.

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