Screen and Intervene supports the implementation of SBIRT throughout New Hampshire as an effective prevention, intervention and public health strategy in multiple settings across the lifespan. This project is an initiative of the Center for Excellence on Addiction.

» Scope of the Problem: Alcohol and other drug misuse is having a devastating affect on New Hampshire's young adult population. Learn more about the state of the state.
» What is SBIRT? Learn more about the components of this evidence based process.
» SBIRT Brief: Screening - In this Adolescent SBIRT Brief learn more about issues related to screening for substance use among adolescents.
Perinatal Playbook

Screen and Intervene: NH S∙BI∙RT Implementation Playbook for Perinatal Providers
» This playbook provides a compendium of actions and / or strategies related to the implementation of S∙BI∙RT in obstetric settings. The plays were developed based on review of other 'how to' S∙BI∙RT guides and the recommendations and experiences of NH implementation team members across diverse sites, including specific recommendations from perinatal practices.