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Trainings and Webinars

Below are a menu of accessible resources and training opportunities that are currently available to support SBIRT implementation in clinical settings.


Online Trainings

Resource Name Description
SBIRT Core Training Training center with several online programs that cover the core components of SBIRT, as well as specific strategies, such as Motivational Interviewing. Provides Continuing Medical Education (CME) credit.
The BIG SBIRT Initiative This free webinar provides an overview of the SBIRT model, use of validated screening tools, and a review of core components of brief intervention and referral. The presenter also provides information on free resources and SBIRT protocols available to help support, implementation, and evaluation.
ATTC SBIRT Training The Institute for Research, Education, and Training in Addictions (IRETA) provides free training programs on the components of SBIRT.

Online Resources

Resource Name Description Resource Type
 SAMHSA’S TAP 33: Systems-Level Implementation of Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) – 2013 Describes core elements of SBIRT programs for people with or at risk for substance use disorders.  Implementation Guide
IRETA provides tools and resources for practitioners and organizations on general SBIRT topics as well as adolescent specific materials.  Toolkit
CDC’s “Planning and
Implementing Screening
and Brief Intervention
for Risky Alcohol Use A
Step-by-Step Guide for
Primary Care Practices”
This guide is designed to help an individual or small planning team adapt alcohol SBI to the unique operational realities of their primary care practice.
It takes them through each of the steps required to plan, implement, and continually improve this preventive service as a routine element of standard practice. Rather than prescribing what the alcohol SBI services should look like, the Guide will help you and your colleagues create the best plan for your unique situation.
Implementation Guide
“Substance Use Disorders in Adolescents: Screening and Engagement in Primary Care Settings” – by Samuel Parrish MD This media-rich, on-line module was created through the collaborative efforts of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), Drexel University College of Medicine, and the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine as part of NIDA’s Centers of Excellence for Physician Information Webinar Series