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Play 13: Communications



There are many stakeholders in S·BI·RT implementation for your site, and each requires a consistent message from you and your team about S·BI·RT and what it means for them. The success of this project depends a great deal on your relationships with internal as well as external stakeholders. A communication plan lists your stakeholders, your message to them, who will reach out to them, how, and when. Your team may also want to anticipate questions, and be prepared to respond with consistent answers.

Key stakeholders may include your own staff in your practice, your patients, the parents/families of patients younger than 18 years old, services to which you may refer patients, and your community – regional prevention network, local coalitions, schools, etc.

Purpose of Play 13 To identify stakeholders, your message to them, and how and when you will deliver this message.
  • A communication plan lists your stakeholders, your message to them, who will reach out to them, how, and when.
  • Your message is what your team wants your stakeholders to know so that they can repeat it to others.
Team members Training and/or communications staff should be included.
Measure(s) Consistent positive messaging regarding S·BI·RT implementation.


Recommended Approach

  • Determine who your team wants to know what and by when.
  • Discuss and evaluate the potential pros and cons of public messaging.
  • Determine your audiences.
  • Develop a communications plan and/or calendar.

Keep In Mind

  • Diversify the messenger to the extent it is possible (do not have one person be the only one that talks to folks about S·BI·RT)
  • The Center is available to support communications planning and support development of messaging and/or materials.

» Continue to PLAY 14: Training